
Meet Me at the Barre

…a blog by B Present Studio



A brief reflection to get your mind right today from Barre Tender Amanda…


Sitting on my own two hands would make the simple task of enjoying this breakfast much harder. I think we can all agree on that.

In the same way, self-doubt cripples me too. It’s no different than sitting on my own two hands really.

When self-doubt takes a grip on me, I am held back. I cannot be stable because I’m constantly in a state of confusion and uncertainty. Self-doubt broods anxiety and makes even the most simple daily decisions nearly impossible!

While confidence will destroy your self-doubt, self-doubt will destroy your confidence. Don’t let it cripple you and hold you back from a life peace. You were not born to be a prisoner to yourself nor anyone else.

Go in confidence today knowing that you can always recover from a mistake and that grace is right there, like a pool, waiting for you to dive in.

If you want to have something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.

Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right.

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